Bovine cortical bone slices for osteoclast resorption assays

Bovine cortical bone slices have for many years been bone scientists' 1st choice to investigate the osteoclastic bone resorption. The bone slices are superior to synthetic materials or dentine slices, as the bone slices provide an in vivo relevant bone substrate to investigate the osteoclastic bone resorption.
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Lab research Lab research


4.25 EUR/pcs
500 pcs
5.25 EUR/pcs
300 pcs
6.5 EUR/pcs
100 pcs
7 EUR/pcs
50 pcs


5.25 EUR/pcs
500 pcs
6.25 EUR/pcs
300 pcs
7.5 EUR/pcs
100 pcs
8 EUR/pcs
50 pcs